Contextual advertising is appropriate for
Package of services
Using only contextual or banner advertising is often ineffective. Unlike many other agencies, we don't break down advertising into contextual, banner, video advertising, remarketing, etc. On the contrary, we use all the channels and tools to help our clients reach their goals
Video advertising
This is your chance to make a name for yourself on YouTube, world's most popular video website, and expand your customer base through the context-media network Google, covering 89% of Internet users
Search advertising
This is one of the most effective Internet advertising tools, because ads will be displayed only to people who are interested in an advertiser's products or services
Mobile advertising
Show your ads to potential clients on mobile devices. In popular games and mobile applications. Google Ads mobile advertising is having year after year become more and more popular
Banner advertising
Google banner advertising is displayed only on websites of Google partners. Your ads will see millions of Internet users. Banner advertising attracts the attention of potential clients and helps promote your brand
Shopping advertising
It helps you promote your products and shows your ads online to clients at the precise moment they are ready to make a purchase. With shopping ads, you can provide users with information about your products before they even click on your ads
Remarketing allows you to re-engage with people who have interacted with your previously. For example, someone visited your website, but has not made a purchase. In this case, you can show them relevant ads on other websites, in mobile applications and in Google Search
Why Choose Us
Certified Premier Partner
Search, mobile, banner and shopping ads certifications.
We have been working with AdWords since 2011
Certified Google analytics team
We provide A/B testing and traffic analysis. We improve conversions, monitor changes, and try to make a website convenient for visitors.
We work with clients on official contract
We provide daily reporting for Google campaigns
We work in Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Sweden and Russia
Our ads collect more than 326,000 clicks per month
How do we work
CIMA partners
CIMA digiagentuuris töötavad tugevad turunduse professionaalid, kel on laidaldane digiturunduse kogemus. Professionaalne ja kliendikeskne lähenemine, usaldusväärne ja kindlust süstiv.
Kasutasin CIMA digiagentuuri teenuseid Lux Experessi digiturunduse edendamiseks. Meeldis väga proaktiivne suhtlus - agentuur pakkus ise uusi lahendusi ning võimalusi, samuti aitas neid ellu viia. CIMAs töötavad online turundse eksperdid, kes on alati kursis viimaste arengute ja trendidega ning oskavad alati küsimustele vastata.
Suur osa uutest klientidest leiab meid läbi Google otsingu ja reklaami. Ütleks isegi, et 50% Chocolala käibest tuleb tänu CIMA tööle. CIMAga koostöö on olnud meie kiire kasvu üks olulisi komponente.
Lux Express Groupi Venemaa esindus AO Eurolines avaldab tänu reklaamiagentuurile CIMA Google´i ja Yandexi makstud reklaami professionaalse seadistamise ja teenindamise eest alates 2016. aastast. Agentuur on ennast näidanud korraliku ja vastutustundliku partnerina, kellega koos saavutame oma eesmärgid. Täname teid probleemide kvaliteetse ja kiire lahendamise eest!
Olen CIMA digiagentuuriga koostööd teinud, digiturunduse, PPC, SEO ja teistes valdkondades. Professionaalsus, suhtlusoskus ja tulemustele orienteeritus avaldavad mulle jätkuvalt muljet. Samuti on silmapaistvad detailidele orienteeritus.
Koostöö CIMA digiagentuuriga on olnud alati väga produktiivne ja lihtne. CIMA Digiagentuur on äärmiselt tulemusele keskendunud ja pakkunud alati parimaid kättesaadavaid lahendusi.
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